How to build crisis resistant B2B offers, get meetings and close in weeks

"How to build crisis resistant B2B offers, get meetings and close in weeks"

It is essential to understand that your target audience has their own agendas and their own priorities and problems. It's about empathy. Without this, you might as well stop marketing your product.

You need to ask yourself 3 questions:

1. Do I still have the ability to get the attention of my target audience?

If not, your message is not working, either because your target audience has shifted to a different channel or their priorities and problems have changed.

2. Once you get the attention of your target audience, are you capable of booking meetings?

If not, why not? It usually entails thinking about how to get time from people, so that they are willing to have a meeting with you.

3. Are you able to make an offer and close on meeting calls?

If not, you do not have the right solution in place. Consider how you can lower the commitment level required from the potential customer or create value that is crucial and hard to say no to. This then again comes back to empathy and listening to the needs of your target audience.